Just a note on this guys. I got these numbers by taking the power level using my calculations on a previous Misty Cave post and multiplying it by 2. Problem with it is that it these numbers aren't optimal until you have level 10 upgrades. I'm redoing the entire formula to include EVERYTHING and refining everything very slowly. Thanks to Anon in the comments below for helping me refine the formula.
1. 2400
2. 4800
3. 20,000
4. 40,000
5. 120,000
6. 465,000
7. 1,700,000
8. 4,750,000
9. 12,000,000
10. 30,000,000
Here are the day by days. I've included the formula I used again for reference.
Here are the day by days. I've included the formula I used again for reference.
(number of unit x ) x (power level of unit x ) = total power of unit x
and if applicable
((number of unit x ) x (power level of unit x )) + ((number of unit y ) x (power level of unit y )) = total power level of individual cave level
Day 1
1. 21 axe = 1176 total = 1176
2. 42 axe = 2352 total = 2352
3. 147 spr = 4998
89 axe = 4984 total = 9982
4. 294 spr = 9996
500 swd = 10000 total = 19,996
5. 124 lnc = 31,992
1600 swd = 32,000 total = 63,992
6. 5797 swd = 115,940
3410 spr = 115,940 total = 231,880
7. 20,975 swd = 419,484
2689 cav = 419,484 total = 838,984
8. 7564 cav = 1,179,984
21,071 axe = 1,1179,976 total = 2,359,960
9. 11,627 lnc = 2,999,766
19,230 cav = 2,999,880 total = 5,999,646
10. 48,076 cav = 7,499,856
17,441 axr = 7,499,630 total = 14,999,486
swd - swordsman
spr - spearman
axe - axemen
arc - archers
cav - cavalry
lnc - lancer
axr - axerider
You'll notice that all the caves power levels stay nearly the same no matter which day. The only change is the units in the particular level which change daily.
Day 2
1. 21 axe = 1176 total = 1176
2. 120 swd = 2400 total = 2400
3. 147 spr = 4998
250 swd = 5000 total = 9998
4. 500 swd = 10000
294 spr = 9996 total = 19,996
5. 1600 swd = 32,000
124 lnc = 31,999 total = 63,992
6. 5797 swd = 115,940
2070 axe = 115,920 total = 231,860
7. 20,975 swd = 419,500
975 axe = 419,250 total = 838,750
8. 4573 lnc = 1,179,835
34705 spr = 1,1179,970 total = 2,359,805
9. 11,627 lnc = 2,999,766
6976 axr = 2,999,250 total = 5,999,016
10. 17,441 axr = 7,499,630
220,588 spr = 7,499,992 total = 14,999,622
Day 3
1. 21 axe = 1176 total = 1176
2. 42 axe = 2352 total = 2352
3. 250 swd = 5000
147 spr = 4998 total = 9998
4. 294 spr = 9996
64 cav = 9984 total = 19,970
5. 124 lnc = 31,999
941 spr = 31,994 total = 63,993
6. 269 axr = 115,670
743 cav = 115,908 total = 231,578
7. 7491 axe = 419,496
12,339 spr = 419,526 total = 839,022
8. 7564 cav = 1,179,984
12,553 arc = 1,179,982 total = 2,359,966
9. 19,230 cav = 2,999,880
6976 axr = 2,999,250 total = 5,999,130
10. 133,928 axe = 7,499,968
220,588 spr = 7,499,992 total = 14,999,960
swd - swordsman
spr - spearman
axe - axemen
arc - archers
cav - cavalry
lnc - lancer
axr - axerider
You'll notice that all the caves power levels stay nearly the same no matter which day. The only change is the units in the particular level which change daily.
If you're looking to redo the formula I would have a peek at this forum post,if you haven't already:
"Remember one thing always see the type advantage and make sure ur advantage is 3x powerful in power for zero losses and make sure your happiness is above 5500"
I think that might be right: if you didn't have the effects of tech, gods and type advantages your units would probably have to be around 3 times as powerful as the enemy's to avoid losses, which might be a little more useful than the x2 and x2.5 multipliers you've suggested. Let us know how you're getting on with this sometime. Thanks.
Hey ! Check out my website about doing caves, quite helpful :D
When you take into account bonuses, for instance spear infantry have a bonus vs mounted troops and a bonus vs sword wielding troops. Regular Calvary are both mounted and sword wielding so do you get both troop bonuses?