
You may be thinking that being in an alliance is pointless, and you don't want to join one because you think you can do it solo. Well maybe you can if you really devote a lot of time into the game but joining an alliance has its fair share of upsides.

First of all - the Statue of Zeus. If you join a pretty good alliance the other members will be contributing faith to your alliance's Zeus. This means that the maximum level of your god will be higher than 4. This means you'll be able to get even better buffs than other who have lower level gods. Just remember to also use your faith on the Statue of Zeus also. Saving all your faith for yourself may make your alliance think you're useless and they'll want to kick you out for someone who will actually contribute.

Secondly - the alliance may provide some protection. Sometimes they wont but many of the players really like to help out their allies. If you're being bullied it would be wise to join an alliance.

Third - Resources. Your alliance mates may have extra resources at any given time and they may be willing to trade. Sometimes they may even give it to you if you just ask. But remember that if all you do is take and take other members may be less inclined to protect you.

Asking things in Alliance chat may be a good way for you to learn the game! So join an alliance today!


  1. Replies
    1. In this game you need to apply to the alliance. Go to the Alliances menu and tap an alliance name. It says Apply in a box. You need to apply before they can accept you in. You may need to ask the Chancellor to accept you.

    2. I have an embassy and when i click on Alliances..I have 3 options in My Alliances Tab ..When I click on Diplomacy..I click on the Right List Icon next to search where iam taken to Alliance List...When I search for an Alliance Name and give search..The Alliance appears..When i Click On it..It comes to the Next page displaying the allainvce wher i can set it to Friendly, Hostile or Neutral..I Click on the box and click on Set friendly..Is It Done??

    3. Im confused, in my mail it says people have applied to be in my alliance, but whenever i go to my shows no applocations so i am not able to accept.

  2. I started my own alliance without really knowing what I was doing, is there anyway I can remove my own alliance to be able join someone else's who has more members

    1. Go to the alliance menu and on the upper left side of the box with your alliance's name there is a gear shaped button.

    2. Thanks for the reply, worked a treat


  4. How to send help to allies?

    1. You have to know his/her coordinates.
      Ask for them, and then go the map, on top type in the numbers
      (XXXX , XX) and then tap search. You will be directed to
      the town. Tap on it and after select Transport
      There, you can use the sliders to select any amaount of resource to sent to your ally.

  5. how do u join allies ?

    1. You need to send a request to an alliance leader.

  6. how can i Chat in Alliance Chat

    1. Tap on the World Chat panel and tap on the Alliance Chat tab to the left.

  7. Can you explain how to accept someone into your alliance?

  8. Quickly anyone how do I create an alliance? I dont even see an "alliance menu"?

    1. You have to have an embassy built to make or join one

  9. hello garett. tnx for answer questions. i wanted to know, what heppens is i was in one alliance and i want to quit from it. i know that the zeus stature will be distroyed but what if i had gods in higher level than 4.. what will heppen to them?

    1. You'll keep all of your Gods because they aren't attached to your statue so no worries!

  10. How do I give supplies to my members of my alliance?
    How do I make some of my army available for my alliance as reinforcements?

    1. You have to get the coordinates of your alliance member to find out where they are first. Then you can tap their city and tap the transport or reinforce. If you choose to reinforce his city you will end up not having access to those units unless you choose to recall them.

  11. How do I leave someone else's alliance

    1. Go to your embassy and there is a box that has your alliance name in it as well as your alliance's message. In the upper left corner of that box there are gears which are tappable. If you tap it you'll have a 'Quit' option.

    2. If I leave an I lose all of the worship points I have for zeus. In other words, when I leave the alliance, does the alliance keep those worship points or do they stick with me? If anyone could answer I would be most appreciative.

  12. Is it possible to merge alliances?

  13. Why am I unable to use reinforcements for attacking? Are they going to engage if someone attacks me?

  14. hello garrett
    tnx for answering questions.
    i also have one- if someone send reinforce to someone else and you scout the city of the one who got the reinforce, will u going to see the troops that reinforce his city?

  15. How other chancellor in our alliance give me his post? He want to resign from chancellor to member and want to promote me to chancellor, but he dont know how.
    Thaks for respond and tell me how to do that.

  16. hey,
    I would like to ask can I get the information of other alliance when I have my own alliance?

  17. Myself and a mate want to start an alliance and I started one but he cant find me on the alliance list and I cant find him on mail can anyone help us out completely lost...

  18. I need to chAnge my diplomacy to neutral

  19. how to join other alliance?????

  20. How do you accept people into your alliance

  21. how to dispatch units to my alliance?
    how to change the alliance post of a member?????
    how to check on my alliance

  22. If you send reinforcement to an ally, are the reinforced troops can be hide or they will stand to fight? Thanks!

    1. Good Q. Also trying to find out. Did you get an answer?

  23. how can i promote another member to be chancellor. since our zeus is level 2, we should be able to have 2, right? please reply.

  24. People I have no space for the embassy how do I clear some space or how do I get the gaea's blessing ?

  25. Do people playing this game tend to use other apps like Kik to chat or just the chat that is available through the game? Thanks

  26. If I leave an Alliance do I lose my Zeus worship points and do they stay with the alliance....or do I get them back? My alliance has gone dead and I have 30k worship points that I don't want to lose....please help.

  27. As a finance minister, how do I view hostiles richest city

  28. Can someone kill the invincibles


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